PBC released Semi-annual Monetary and Financial Statistics

(Source: PBC Monetary Policy Department)

Sources and Uses of Renminbi and Foreign Exchange Credit Funds of Financial Institutions
                                                    Unit:RMB100million yuan
Funds SourcesBalanceFunds UsesBalance
I. Total Deposits206810.28I. Total Loans158869.86
  1.Deposits of Enterprises70810.81  1.Short-term Loans84353.11
  (1)Demand Deposits49701.21  2.Long and Medium-term Loans59446.35
  (2)Time Deposits21109.60  3.Trust Loans2473.48
  2.Savings Deposits105195.26  4.Paper Financing9221.52
  (1)Demand Deposits33018.48  5.Other Loans3375.40
  (2)Time Deposits72176.78II. Portfolio Investments35646.91
  3.Trust Deposits2503.51III. Position for Bullion&Silver Purchase337.24
  4.Other Deposits28300.70IV . Advances to Treasury1582.06
II. Liabilities to International Financial Institutions440.21V . Assets in International Financial Institutions830.65
III. Other Items-9983.77  
Note: Financial institutions referred to in this table include the People’s Bank of China, policy banks, State-owned commercial banks, other commercial banks, city commercial banks, UCCs, RCCs, rural commercial banks, TICs, financing companies, leasing companies, postal savings institutions and foreign-funded financial institutions.
Sources and Uses of Renminbi Credit Funds of Financial Institutions
 Unit: RMB100 million yuan
Fund SourcesBalanceFund UsesBalance
I . Total Deposits194306.47I . Total Loans149156.56
  1. Deposits of Enterprises66657.97  1. Short-term Loans81290.08
  2. Fiscal Deposits6128.64    (1) Loans to Industrial Sector21620.58
  3. Deposits of GovernmentDepartments&Organizations5719.83(2) Loans to Commercial Sector17923.65
4. Household Savings Deposits97674.57(3) Loans to Construction Sector3276.14
    (1) Demand Deposits31995.42(4) Loans to Agricultural Sector8311.09
    (2) Time Deposits65679.15(5) Loans to Township and  Village Enterprises7376.89
  5. Agricultural Deposits4237.80(6) Loans to Joint Venture  Enterprises2834.91
  6. Trust Deposits2401.08(7) Loans to  Privately-owned enterprises and Individuals1376.78
  7. Other Deposits11486.58    (8) Other Short-term Loans18570.04
II . Financial Bond2023.11  2. Long&Medium-term Loans56013.38
III . Cash in Circulation16956.89  3. Trust Loans2199.30
IV . Liabilities to International Financial Institutions440.21  4. Other Loans9653.80
V . Other Items-7148.84II . Portfolio Investment27756.97
  III . Position for Bullion&Silver Purchase337.24
  IV . Position for Forex Purchase26914.36
  V . Advances to Treasury1582.06
  VI . Assets in International Financial Institutions830.65
Note: 1. Financial institutions referred to in this table include the People’s Bank of China, policy banks, State-owned commercial banks, postal savings institutions, other commercial banks, city commercial banks, UCCs, RCCs, TICs, financing companies, leasing companies and foreign-funded financial institutions.
      2. The People’s Bank of China made adjustment to the data of gold reserves and position for bullion&silver purchase in December 2002.
Sources and Uses of Foreign Exchange Credit Funds of Financial Institutions
                                              Unit: USD100 million
Fund SourcesBalanceFund UsesBalance
I . Total Deposits1510.60I . Total Loans1173.41
  1. Deposits of Enterprises501.71  1. Short-term Loans370.04
  2. Savings Deposits908.58  2. Long&Medium-term Loans414.74
  3. Trust Deposits12.39  3. Trust Loans33.13
  4. Overseas Deposits23.50  4. On-lending of Funds Raised Overseas204.52
  5. Other Deposits64.42  5. Paper Financing7.05
II . Overseas Financing225.54  6. Other Loans143.93
III . Purchase and Sale of Forex127.39II . Portfolio Investment953.19
IV . Inter-bank Transactions with Non-residents121.29III . Inter-bank Transactions with Non-residents570.38
V . Other Items712.16  
Sources and Uses of Renminbi Credit Funds of State-owned Banks
 Unit: RMB100 million yuan
Fund SourcesBalanceFund UsesBalance
I . Total Deposits129614.64I . Total Loans101758.95
  1. Deposits of Enterprises40315.71  1. Short-term Loans48371.50
    (1) Demand Deposits30615.84    (1) Loans to Industrial Sector17586.37
    (2) Time Deposts9699.87    (2) Loans to Commercial Sector15494.62
  2. Fiscal Deposits6087.79    (3) Loans to Construction Sector2577.08
  3. Deposits of GovernmentDepartments&Organizations5002.53    (4) Loans to Agricultural Sector1322.63
  4. Household Savings Deposits71951.65(5) Loans to Township and Village Enterprises1658.31
    (1) Demand Deposits23874.78(6) Loans to Joint Venture Enterprise1773.23
    (2) Time Deposits48076.87(7) Loans to Privately Owned Enterprises and Individuals523.99
  5. Agricultural Deposits436.55    (8) Other Short-term Loans7435.27
  6. Other Deposits5820.41  2. Long&Medium-term Loans47753.67
II . Financial Bond4975.34  3. Other Loans5633.78
III . Inter-bank Transactions5268.96II . Portfolio Investment20070.91
IV . Cash in Circulation16956.89III . Inter-bank Transactions835.17
V . Liabilities to International Financial Institutions440.21IV . Position for Bullion&Silver Purchase337.24
VI . Other Items-5101.05V . Position for Forex Purchase26740.01
  VI . Advances to Treasury1582.06
  VII . Assets in International Financial Institutions830.65
Note: 1. State-owned banks referred to in this table include the People’s Bank of China, policy banks, State-owned commercial banks and postal savings institutions.
     2. The People’s Bank of China made adjustment to the data of gold reserves and position for bullion&silver purchase in December 2002.
Sources and Uses of Renminbi Credit Funds of Other Banks
 Unit: RMB100 million yuan
Fund SourcesBalanceFund UsesBalance
I . Total Deposits26536.38I . Total Loans19819.85
  1. Deposits of Enterprises16182.43  1. Short-term Loans12364.80
    (1) Demand Deposits10831.80(1)    Loans to Industrial   Sector2647.35
    (2) Time Deposits5350.63(2)    Loans to CommercialSector1391.98
  2. Household Savings Deposits5039.38(3)    Loans to Construction   Sector351.45
    (1) Demand Deposits2217.23(4)    Loans to Agricultural   Sector7.73
    (2) Time Deposits2822.15(5)    Loans to Township and Village Enterprises30.09
  3. Agricultural Deposits5.08(6)    Loans to Joint Venture   Enterprises975.22
  4. Other Deposits5309.49(7)    Loans to Privately Owned Enterprises and Individuals414.58
II . Issuance of Financial Bond29.42    (8) Other Short-term Loans6546.40
III . Borrowing from the central bank14.58  2. Long&Medium-term Loans4710.29
IV . Inter-bank Transactions1750.13  3. Other Loans2744.76
V . Other Items-174.49II . Portfolio Investment4671.47
  III . Deposits as Required Reserves2800.22
  IV . Inter-bank Transactions864.48
Note: Other banks include Bank of Communications, CITIC Industrial Bank, China Everbright Bank, Hua Xia Bank, China Min Sheng Banking Corporation, Guangdong Development Bank, Shenzhen Development Bank, China Merchants Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Fujian Industrial Bank and Yantai Housing and Savings Bank.
Monetary Aggregates
                                        Unit: RMB100 million yuan
 BalanceYear-on-year Change (percent)
Money and Quasi-Money (M2)204907.4220.82
    Money (M1)75923.2320.24
        Cash in Circulation (M0)16956.8912.32
        Demand Deposits58966.3422.73
        Time Deposits18869.8433.84
        Savings Deposits97674.5719.54
        Other Deposits12439.7816.85
Note: Investors’ deposits for shares subscription are included in M2.
Exchange Rate, Gold and Foreign Exchange Reserves
Exchange Rate:
一RMB yuan per SDR(end-period)
一RMB yuan per US dollar(end-period)
一RMB yuan per US dollar(Average)
Gold Reserves(in Ten Thousand Ounce)192919291929
Foreign Exchange Reserves(USD100 million)3262.913400.613464.76
Note: The People’s Bank of China made adjustment to the data of gold reserves and                           position for bullion&silver purchase in December 2002.    

(This message is quoted from Internet information and is not the opinion of this website.)