Macro-control Policies Proved Effective, and Financial Industry Performance Remained Healthy and Stable

(Source: PBC Monetary Policy Department)

In the first half of 2004, under the steering of the State Council, the People’s Bank of China (PBC) used various monetary policy instruments, including strengthened open market operations and differentiated required reserve ratios for financial institutions, to appropriately control the growth of base money and the faster than desired expansion of money and credit. Macro financial control polices have since proved quite effective as growth of money supply declined, the faster than desired expansion of loans were brought under control, deposits increased steadily, and RMB exchange rate remained stable. In general, appropriate control of aggregate money and credit has contributed to the healthy and stable performance of the financial industry. 

1.      The growth of  money supply declined steadily, falling within the PBC projected target

At end-June, broad money (M2) stood at RMB23.8 trillion yuan, increasing year-on-year by 16.2 percent, 4.7 percentage points lower from the end of last June, or down by 3.4, 2.9 and 1.3 percentage points respectively from 2003, the end of the first quarter of 2004 and end-May. Narrow money (M1) reached RMB8.9 trillion yuan, increasing by 16.2 percent, 4.1 percentage points lower from a year earlier, or down by 2.5, 4.1and 2.4 percentage points respectively from 2003, the end of the first quarter of 2004 and end-May. Cash in circulation (M0) increased year-on-year by 12.2 percent to RMB1.9 trillion yuan. The accumulated cash withdrawal in the first half of 2004 totaled RMB72.8 billion yuan, RMB40.7 billion yuan more than that recorded for the same period of 2003. The growth of M2 and M1 both showed a trend of steady decline, with the current figure falling within the PBC’s projected growth target of 17 percent.

2.      Deposits increased gradually

Outstanding deposits denominated in both local and foreign currencies in all financial institutions reached RMB24.2 trillion yuan at end-June, increasing by 17.1 percent from a year earlier. RMB deposits grew by 18.2 percent to 22.97 trillion yuan, with 2.2 trillion yuan added in the first half of 2004, 178.6 billion yuan less than that recorded for the same period of 2003. In particular, new corporate demand deposits totaled RMB352.1 billion yuan, RMB84.8 billion yuan less than the increase recorded in the same period of last year; household savings deposits increased by RMB1.01 trillion yuan, RMB52.2 billion yuan less than the growth of the same period of 2003. Foreign currency deposits climbed by USD1.9 billion, USD1.5 billion more than that recorded for the first half of 2003, to USD151.1 billion, with the growth rate approximately at the same level as that recorded a year earlier. In particular, cumulative increase of corporate deposits amounted to USD4.6 billion, USD6 billion more than the growth of the same period of 2003, while household savings deposits decreased by USD5.2 billion, a deceleration of USD6.7 billion.

3.      The faster than desired expansion of credit was reined in effectively

At end-June, outstanding loans denominated in both local and foreign currencies in all financial institutions reached RMB18.1 trillion yuan, increasing year-on-year by 16.7 percent. RMB loans increased by 16.3 percent on comparable basis to 17 trillion yuan, 6.8 percentage points lower from the end of last June, or down by 4.8,3.8 and 2.3 percentage points respectively from 2003, the end of the first quarter of 2004 and end-May. New RMB loans extended in the first half of 2004 totaled RMB1.43 trillion yuan, RMB350.1 billion yuan less than that recorded for the same period of 2003 on comparable basis (Cumulative increase of loans in the first half of 2003 amounted to RMB1.78 trillion yuan, RMB 951.1 billion yuan more than that recorded for same period of 2002.) In particular, the growth of loans in June alone was RMB239.6 billion yuan less than that of last June. In terms of loan structure, short-term loans cumulatively increased by RMB544.1 billion yuan, RMB168.4 less than that recorded for the first half of 2003; medium and long-term loans increased by RMB733.1 billion yuan, RMB73.8 billion yuan up from a year earlier; paper financing increased by RMB129.2 billion yuan, a deceleration of RMB212.8 billion yuan. Balance of foreign currency loans in all financial institutions rose by 24.6 percent on comparable basis to USD134.6 billion. Cumulative increase of foreign currency loans in the first half of 2004 amounted to USD15.6 billion, USD0.8 billion more than the growth recorded for the same period of 2003. In particular, short-term loans grew by USD7.89 billion, an acceleration of USD1.85 billion, medium and long-term loans grew by USD4.35 billion, USD0.31 billion more than that recorded for the first half of 2003, while on-lending of funds raised overseas decreased by USD620 million, USD380 million more than the decline recorded for the first six months of 2003, and trust loans decreased by USD120 million, USD920 million more than that recorded for the same period of 2003. In short, the faster than desired expansion of credit since 2003 has been reined in effectively, with the growth of aggregate credit currently standing at an appropriate level.

4.      RMB exchange rate remained stable

Official foreign exchange reserves increased by USD67.3 billion, USD7.2 billion more than that recorded for the first half of 2003, to USD470.6 billion at end-June, up 35.8 percent. RMB exchange rate remained stable, being at 8.2766 yuan per US dollar, approximately the same level as that of end-2003.

Sources and Uses of Renminbi and Foreign Exchange Credit Funds of Financial Institutions
                                        2004-06                  Unit:RMB100million yuan
Funds SourcesBalanceFunds UsesBalance
I. Total Deposits242174.10I. Total Loans181046.84
  1.Deposits of Enterprises84068.71  1.Short-term Loans90233.60
  (1)Demand Deposits58259.30  2.Long and Medium-term Loans74230.25
  (2)Time Deposits25809.41  3.Trust Loans2495.59
  2.Savings Deposits120443.17  4.Paper Financing10834.30
  (1)Demand Deposits40907.94  5.Other Loans3253.10
  (2)Time Deposits79535.23II. Portfolio Investments38199.69
  3.Trust Deposits2722.29III. Position for Bullion&Silver Purchase337.24
  4.Other Deposits34939.93IV . Assets in International Financial Institutions883.54
II. Liabilities to International Financial Institutions524.91  
III. Other Items-22231.70  
 Note:1.Financial institutions referred to in this table include the People’s Bank of China, policy banks, State-owned commercial banks, other commercial banks, city commercial banks, UCCs, RCCs, rural commercial banks, TICs, financing companies, leasing companies, postal savings institutions and foreign-funded financial institutions. 2.The Bank of China, the China Construction Bank and the Bank of Communications transferred and wrote off part of their loans in June, thus their balance of loans slightly decreased from that of end-May.
Sources and Uses of Renminbi Credit Funds of Financial Institutions
 2004-06                 Unit: RMB100 million yuan
Fund SourcesBalanceFund UsesBalance
I . Total Deposits229670.82I . Total Loans169905.22
  1. Deposits of Enterprises79357.97  1. Short-term Loans86150.57
  2. Fiscal Deposits8192.30    (1) Loans to Industrial Sector23271.96
  3. Deposits of GovernmentDepartments&Organizations7204.72(2) Loans to Commercial Sector17152.36
4. Household Savings Deposits113792.47(3) Loans to Construction Sector2574.03
    (1) Demand Deposits39617.79(4) Loans to Agricultural Sector10002.22
    (2) Time Deposits74174.68(5) Loans to Township and  Village Enterprises8068.46
  5. Agricultural Deposits5174.66(6) Loans to Joint Venture  Enterprises2448.19
  6. Trust Deposits2650.21(7) Loans to  Privately-ownedEnterprises and Individuals2035.03
  7. Other Deposits13298.49    (8) Other Short-term Loans20598.32
II . Financial Bond2604.80  2. Medium-term Working Capital6567.09
III . Cash in Circulation19017.58  3. Long&Medium-term Loans63672.67
IV . Liabilities to International Financial Institutions524.91  4. Trust Loans2390.53
V . Other Items-10022.17  5. Other Loans11124.36
  II . Portfolio Investment30389.94
  III . Position for Bullion&Silver Purchase337.24
  IV . Position for Forex Purchase40280.03
  VI . Assets in International Financial Institutions883.54
Note:1.Financial institutions referred to in this table include the People’s Bank of China, policy banks, State-owned commercial banks, postal savings institutions, other commercial banks, city commercial banks, UCCs, RCCs, TICs, financing companies, leasing companies and foreign-funded financial institutions. 2. The Bank of China, the China Construction Bank and the Bank of Communications transferred and wrote off part of their loans in June, thus their balance of loans slightly decreased from that of end-May.
Sources and Uses of Foreign Exchange Credit Funds of Financial Institutions
                            2004-06                     Unit: USD100 million
Fund SourcesBalanceFund UsesBalance
I . Total Deposits1510.69I . Total Loans1346.13
  1. Deposits of Enterprises569.16  1. Short-term Loans493.31
  2. Savings Deposits803.55  2. Long&Medium-term Loans482.13
  3. Trust Deposits8.71  3. Trust Loans12.69
  4. Overseas Deposits35.12  4. On-lending of Funds Raised Overseas176.97
  5. Other Deposits94.15  5. Paper Financing13.43
II . Overseas Financing193.74  6. Other Loans167.60
III . Purchase and Sale of Forex189.15II . Portfolio Investment943.61
IV . Inter-bank Transactions with Non-residents51.66III . Inter-bank Transactions with Non-residents578.28
V . Other Items922.78  
 Note: The Bank of China, the China Construction Bank and the Bank of Communications transferred and wrote off part of their loans in June, thus their balance of loans slightly decreased from that of end-May.
Sources and Uses of Renminbi Credit Funds of State-owned Banks
 2004-06              Unit: RMB100 million yuan
Fund SourcesBalanceFund UsesBalance
I . Total Deposits149030.09I . Total Loans110704.13
  1. Deposits of Enterprises46582.21  1. Short-term Loans46446.36
    (1) Demand Deposits34966.23    (1) Loans to Industrial Sector17235.31
    (2) Time Deposts11615.98    (2) Loans to Commercial Sector14100.98
  2. Fiscal Deposits8095.91    (3) Loans to Construction Sector1278.58
  3. Deposits of GovernmentDepartments&Organizations5787.05    (4) Loans to Agricultural Sector1331.47
  4. Household Savings Deposits82702.43(5) Loans to Township and Village Enterprises1766.40
    (1) Demand Deposits29197.31(6) Loans to Joint Venture Enterprise1483.32
    (2) Time Deposits53505.12(7) Loans to Privately Owned Enterprises and Individuals770.28
  5. Agricultural Deposits441.64    (8) Other Short-term Loans8480.02
6. Other Deposits5420.85  2.Medium-term Working Capital4996.64
II . Financial Bond6953.19  3. Long&Medium-term Loans52518.11
III . Inter-bank Transactions4353.24  3. Other Loans6743.02
IV . Cash in Circulation19017.58II . Portfolio Investment22139.23
V . Liabilities to International Financial Institutions524.91III . Inter-bank Transactions1382.99
VI . Other Items-4360.05IV . Position for Bullion&Silver Purchase337.24
  V . Position for Forex Purchase40071.83
  VI . Assets in International Financial Institutions883.54
Note:1.State-owned banks referred to in this table include the People’s Bank of China, policy banks, State-owned commercial banks and postal savings institutions. 2. The Bank of China and the China Construction Bank transferred and wrote off part of their loans in June, thus their balance of loans slightly decreased from that of end-May.
Sources and Uses of Renminbi Credit Funds of Other Banks
 2004-06                Unit: RMB100 million yuan
Fund SourcesBalanceFund UsesBalance
I . Total Deposits34528.91I . Total Loans25707.67
  1. Deposits of Enterprises19990.96  1. Short-term Loans15433.65
    (1) Demand Deposits12942.84(1) Loans to Industrial   Sector4361.43
    (2) Time Deposits7048.12(2) Loans to CommercialSector1876.50
  2. Household Savings Deposits6588.32(3)    Loans to Construction   Sector867.50
    (1) Demand Deposits2938.09(4)    Loans to Agricultural   Sector27.83
    (2) Time Deposits3650.23(5)    Loans to Township and Village Enterprises15.16
  3. Agricultural Deposits            14.17(6) Loans to Joint Venture   Enterprises872.44
  4. Other Deposits7935.46(7)    Loans to Privately Owned Enterprises and Individuals542.30
II . Issuance of Financial Bond308.39    (8) Other Short-term Loans6870.49
III . Borrowing from the central bank30.00  2. Medium-term Working Capital1213.58
IV . Inter-bank Transactions1632.08  3. Long&Medium-term Loans6225.81
V . Other Items108.78  4. Other Loans2834.63
  II . Portfolio Investment5714.69
  III . Deposits as Required Reserves4682.98
  IV . Inter-bank Transactions502.82
Note:1.Other banks include Bank of Communications, CITIC Industrial Bank, China Everbright Bank, Hua Xia Bank, China Min Sheng Banking Corporation, Guangdong Development Bank, Shenzhen Development Bank, China Merchants Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Fujian Industrial Bank and Hengfeng Bank. 2. The Bank of Communications transferred and wrote off part of its loans in June, thus its balance of loans slightly decreased from that of end-May.
Monetary Aggregates
                          2004-06         Unit: RMB100 million yuan
 BalanceYear-on-year Change (percent)
Money and Quasi-Money (M2)238427.4916.15
    Money (M1)88627.1416.16
        Cash in Circulation (M0)19017.5812.15
        Demand Deposits69609.5617.30
        Time Deposits23542.0424.76
        Savings Deposits113792.4716.50
        Other Deposits12465.840.21
Note: Investors’ deposits for shares subscription are included in M2.
Exchange Rate, Gold and Foreign Exchange Reserves
Exchange Rate:
一RMB yuan per SDR(end-period)
一RMB yuan per US dollar(end-period)   
一RMB yuan per US dollar(Average)   
Gold Reserves(in Ten Thousand Ounce)192919291929
Foreign Exchange Reserves(USD100 million)4490.174585.604706.39

(This message is quoted from Internet information and is not the opinion of this website.)